Thursday, December 14, 2006

Whoo Hoo

My dad called me today and there is a party on Monday for work. I'm excited. I've never had a work Christmas party before, lol. Hopefully it will be fun. I'm sure it will be. Usually they have a buffet of a ton of good food and dessert and everything. Well I shouldn't say that...I've only bee to it once and I that is what I remember! LOL. I went a few years ago but that was when only my dad worked there so I didn't really know anybody. Now this year, since I've worked there the past two summers at least I'll know everybody. Maybe there will be an open bar, lol. I'm just excited to go, have a good time, and not have to do any work!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it sounds like fun, let me know how it is.